«Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc.»
(«Казахстан Петрокемикал Индастриз Инк.»)
Limited Liability Partnership

Danila Mogilevtsev: “Our main task is to develop local processing”.

20 August
Danila Mogilevtsev: “Our main task is to develop local processing”.
KPI Company actively expands its presence at Kazakhstan’s market. Danila Mogilevtsev, the KPI Marketing and Sales Manager tells about the progress made and plans for the future.

– Danila, over the first seven month of this year, KPI has significantly improved its positions at the market. What do you have to say about it?

– We have made significant progress indeed. KPI’s share at the market of homopolymer polypropylene in Kazakhstan has increased from 15% to 52%, and import share  has decreased from 59% down to 20%. This confirms that our efforts to develop domestic marker deliver results. It is important to note that compared to last year, which was a kickoff for us, we have increased the production volume more than twice.

– What products are currently being developed by the company?

– To date we have successfully mastered the production of 8 polypropylene brands. Five of them haven’t been produced in Kazakhstan previously. These brands are widely used in industries such as packaging, construction, textile and medical industry. We continue to work on expanding our range to meet the needs of not only domestic but international market as well.

– Export remains an important direction for your company. What are your plans?

– Yes, export is very important for us, especially considering that the production volumes of KPI exceed the needs of the domestic market. Our products has been already exported to Europe, China, Russia and Turkiye. However, our main focus remains on the development of local processing. Thus, we actively work with our partners by providing technical support and assistance in the setting of polymer processing modes.

– The opening of a warehouse in Almaty was one of the important steps in the development of logistics. What advantages does this offer your customers?

– Opening of the warehouse in Almaty was an important step that allowed us to shorten the time for delivery to our customers in the south from 10-14 days to 1-2 days. This greatly improves our ability to provide customers with timely and quality products.

– What other initiatives are being implemented to strengthen the company’s position in the Kazakhstan market?

– We have launched the “Forsazh” program which is aimed at supporting local processors. The programme comprises four areas: export and investment, import replacement and industry. This allows our partners to purchase KPI products on special terms and be even more competitive both in import substitution and export of finished products to the countries far abroad.
Agreements have already been concluded with companies such as “KazStoneBox” LLP, which produces corrugated cardboard, and “EGP” LLP, which produces polypropylene cups for dairy products. We are continuing to negotiate with other processors and are ready to support their development in the domestic and foreign markets.

– Danila, thank you for the interview. Good luck to you and your team!