«Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc.»
(«Казахстан Петрокемикал Индастриз Инк.»)
Limited Liability Partnership

“I learned about the KPI plant at the university” – Muzafar Borambayev, the deputy PP Production Manager

12 August
 “I learned about the KPI plant at the university” – Muzafar Borambayev, the deputy PP Production Manager
“KPI Inc.” LLP is Muzafar’s first official place of work. He began his career in 2019 as a technician at PP and U&O Department. He has first learnt about the IPCI project at his 4th year of studies at Kazakh Research and Technical University named after K. Satpayev, when KPI specialists visited our university and presented the polypropylene production project. Then he had a chance to pass an interview and make it into the first wave of future operators of the plant.

- KPI allowed me to prove myself as a specialist by giving me an opportunity to pass internships at leading plants in Uzbekistan, Russia and Kazakhstan, and to take part in construction and commissioning stages together with the licensor and the general contractor. “That experience at the initial stage of my career allowed me to develop my skills and knowledge in the field of PP production”, he says.
Muzafar notes that employees of the petrochemical complex may count on competitive salary. The company provides a complete package of social guarantees, including health insurance, financial assistance during annual leaves, bonuses and different event to promote the team spirit. Work conditions meet high standards. In whole, being a young specialist, he is satisfied with his income level and considers it sufficient to maintain comfort living standard with a view to further development.

- While working at KPI, I have gained valuable skills and knowledge in the field of production processes and improved my technical competences. I learnt how to work in team, and to solve complex tasks to improve production efficiency. In addition, experience of work with modern equipment and “Novolen” technology gave me a deeper understanding of the production process and qualify principles of finished products. During the entire period, I worked with many highly qualified specialists picking up only their best qualities. Thanks to my instructors and their trust, I have achieved considerable success, and I hope that this is only the beginning og my career, says the deputy PP Production Manager.

According to the young specialist, working at a modern plant significantly differs from that several decades ago as KPI plant has fully implemented automation and digital technology.

- Our complex place high  demands on qualification of employees as our processes require knowledge in the field of polypropylene production, its processing and operating modern equipment. Work conditions at our enterprise meet any and all standards of large companies. A special attention is paid to workplace safety, creation of comfortable working places and compliance with all environmental standards, he says.