«Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc.»
(«Казахстан Петрокемикал Индастриз Инк.»)
Limited Liability Partnership

News and Events

3 November
ТОО «KPI Inc.» передало свои экспонаты в Атырауский областной историко-краеведческий музей для создания уголка, посвящённой газохимической отрасли в стране

KPI Inc. LLP donated its exhibits to the Atyrau Regional Museum of History and Local Lore to create a corner dedicated to the gas chemical industry in the country

In connection with the two-year anniversary of the launch of the gas chemical complex "Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc.", the first batch of propylene powder, polypropylene granules of grade 030GP, a seal from the first tank of raw materials C3H8 (propane) and historical photographs of the launch ceremony of the complex were transferred to the museum.

30 October
В КРІ стартовала Спартакиада, посвященная двухлетию компании

Spartakiad dedicated to the company's second anniversary has started in KRI

On October 30, the opening ceremony of the Spartakiad was held, organized in honor of the second anniversary of the plant's launch. At this sporting event, the company's staff and partner teams gathered in one arena to support the sporting spirit and improve health.

14 October
Сотрудники КРІ провели традиционную акцию по посадке деревьев

KRI employees held a traditional tree planting event

As part of the environmental campaign "Taza Kazakhstan", the company's employees planted about a hundred trees to green the territory of the KPI Inc. complex. More than 150 specialists took part in the campaign called "KPI TREE Revival".

8 October
KPI заключила меморандумы с ведущими итальянскими компаниями на форуме «Казахстан-Италия»

KPI signed memorandums with leading Italian companies at the Kazakhstan-Italy forum

Within the framework of the annual forum “Kazakhstan-Italy – Trade Investment Opportunities on the Road to Kazakhstan”, which took place on October 7 in Milan, a number of significant memorandums were signed between Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc. (KPI) and leading Italian companies.