«Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc.»
(«Казахстан Петрокемикал Индастриз Инк.»)
Limited Liability Partnership

News and Events

24 January
 Компания «Bal Carpet» значительно снизила цену на ковры благодаря полипропилену, производимому на комплексе «KPI»

The Bal Carpet company has significantly reduced the price of carpets due to polypropylene produced at the KPI

Bal Carpet complex (formerly Bal Textile), a well—known Shymkent factory, produces carpets using domestic polypropylene produced by the plant of Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc. LLP (KPI is a subsidiary of KazMunayGas).

20 January
Казахстанские переработчики втрое увеличили использование полипропилена завода KPI

Kazakhstan refiners tripled the use of polypropylene from KPI plant

During a working trip to Atyrau region, Askhat Khassenov, the Chairman of the Management Board of NC KazMunayGas JSC, visited the gas chemical complex of Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc LLP (KPI - a subsidiary of KMG). The Head of KMG inspected the production units and facilities.

23 December
Для детей сотрудников компании KPI был организован новогодний утренник при поддержке компании

A New Year's matinee was organized for the children of KPI employees with the support of the company

The event was held within the framework of corporate social responsibility and was aimed at giving children an unforgettable holiday. The entertainment program featured animators, fairy-tale characters, musical numbers, lively performances and fun contests.

20 December
KPI расширяет логистическую сеть открывая склад в Астане

KPI is expanding its logistics network by opening a warehouse in Astana

Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc. has opened a warehouse for the storage and prompt delivery of polypropylene in Astana. The new warehouse, designed for 500 tons of finished products, will increase the logistical availability of polymer raw materials for processing companies from the northern regions of Kazakhstan and significantly shorten the delivery time to customers - from 10 to 1 day.