Nursultan Rakhmetullayevich and Yernar Amangeldiyev are 3rd year students at the Makat Technological College of Oil and Gas. The future profession of both is electrical equipment installer. Now they are undergoing practical in dual training, combining theoretical knowledge with practice at the KPI petrochemical complex. Both students showed the best results in the selection conducted by KPI specialists in dual training.
- Last July, we signed a memorandum of cooperation and dual training with the Makat Oil and Gas College. Students not only get acquainted with technical aspects, but also consolidate their knowledge in practice. Students can present themselves as candidates after completing dual studies if there is a vacancy. Now only two students are undergoing practical training, this year we plan to accept five students from the Atyrau Oil and Gas University for dual training,” says Assel Yermekova, chief specialist of the Training and Development of Production Personnel Division.
Dual training, which began in September, will last 9 months. They not only gain experience at the factory, but also receive their first salary. That is, students undergoing dual training are paid a salary in the amount of the minimum wage established by the state.
- The KPI complex is the first plant in the country digitized with new technologies. Now students are learning to work with innovative equipment with interest. “We also share our experience,” says KPI specialist Yerkinbek Baisherkeshov.
Student Yernar, who has been studying with plant specialists since September and honing his knowledge, says that he plans to work at the plant in the future.
- When my friend Nursultan and I come to the plant, we learn a lot of new things in our specialty. Our mentors and employees here answer all our questions and support us.
After graduation, we would like to be able to offer ourselves for a vacancy on the factory staff. We are grateful to the staff of our college and the management of the KPI complex, who provided us with this opportunity for dual training,” says Yernar Amangeldiyev from the Makat Oil and Gas Technological College.