Azamat Kashimov is one of the qualified specialists at KPI. He was educated at the Atyrau Oil and Gas University named after Safi Utebayev. Upon completion of his studies, he began working as a master mechanic for external repair of technological installations in the mechanical repair shop at the Atyrau Oil Refinery.
- “As soon as I received my diploma, I sent my resume to the oil refinery in our city. I didn’t care what kind of specialist they would hire me for, or what salary they would give me. My main goal at that time was to get a job at one of the plants in the oil and gas industry, which made a significant contribution to the country's economy. I knew that later, after gaining experience in this field, I would continue to grow through my hard work,” he says.
As expected, Azamat’s education and ability were immediately noticed by a vigilant leader. He worked at this plant for 13 years in various positions, rising to the position of senior operator. He mentored young professionals and was repeatedly awarded letters of appreciation from management.
- In August 2022, I heard that young specialists were being hired at the petrochemical complex, took my resume and went to the personnel management department. Later, they organized two online interviews, one offline interview and invited me to work as a process engineer. I like my profession. I am involved in work on product quality control for compliance with enterprise standards, sampling frequency, accounting and write-off of reagents, etc. The country's first gas chemical complex is fun and challenging. For this reason, I consider the company unique compared to other enterprises. “I gained new experience at KPI,” says Azamat.
According to Azamat, it takes time for the new plus the first petrochemical plant, to switch to permanent operation and establish the process. All this is not easy work.
- Our plant does not forget social projects and tournaments dedicated to the Day of Petrochemical Industry Specialists. I try to actively participate in all events. Having arrived at this company, I became the owner of a new 3-room apartment in the French Quarter. The company pays for additional classes for my children. All this is a great opportunity for us,” says the young specialist.
Azamat is not only a process engineer, but also a mentor to the company’s new recruits. He is also the chairman of the PDH production shop committee. For a year and a half of work, on Independence Day he was awarded a letter of gratitude from the trade union.
- KPI makes a great contribution to economic development. Since the launch of the plant, new jobs have been created, the country's export potential has increased and dependence on imports has decreased. I achieved my current success thanks to work and knowledge. All this did not fall from heaven. I think that in the future I will work for the growth of the KPI complex and develop together with the plant,” says Azamat Kashimov, process engineer of PDH Unit.