«Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc.»
(«Казахстан Петрокемикал Индастриз Инк.»)
Limited Liability Partnership

Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc. LLP representatives visited the central office of KazTransOil JSC in Astana

3 March
 Представители ТОО «Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc.» посетили центральный офис АО «КазТрансОйл»
«automatic translation by Google Translate»

Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc. LLP representatives visited the central office of KazTransOil JSC in Astana to exchange experience in business process development and transformation as part of cooperation and partnership development.

Over several days, specialists from both companies held meetings to discuss KazTransOil’s experience in business process digitalization, software solutions, technology use, and system integration to enhance efficiency, exchanging insights.

Following the meetings, Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc. LLP representatives thanked KazTransOil JSC for the opportunity to exchange experience and their openness to cooperation.