«Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc.»
(«Казахстан Петрокемикал Индастриз Инк.»)
Limited Liability Partnership

News and Events

4 March
КРІ принял участие в ярмарке профессий нефтегазохимической отрасли

KPI participated in a career fair for the petrochemical industry

Atyrau Oil and Gas University named after Safi Utebayev hosted a career fair for school students focused on the petrochemical industry. The event aims to provide students with detailed information about specialties in the field, guide them in choosing their future profession, and introduce them to the opportunities offered by educational institutions and major industrial companies.

3 March
Председатель Комитета по делам строительства и ЖКХ МПС РК посетил КРІ

Chairman of the Construction and HCSA Committee of RK’s MIC visited KPI

Bakhytzhan Zhunisbekov, Chairman of the Construction and Housing-Communal Services Affairs Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan, visited KPI’s integrated gas chemical facility.

3 March
 Представители ТОО «Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc.» посетили центральный офис АО «КазТрансОйл»

Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc. LLP representatives visited the central office of KazTransOil JSC in Astana

Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc. LLP representatives visited the central office of KazTransOil JSC in Astana to exchange experience in business process development and transformation as part of cooperation and partnership development.

25 February
Сотрудник ТОО «KPI» награжден за активное участие на выставке «Город рабочих профессий»

KPI employee Rizuan Bissenkulov, a Lead Engineer of the Chief Technologist Service, was awarded for active participation in the “City of Working Professions” exhibition

He proudly represented KPI at the City of Working Professions Festival, initiated by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Thousands of students attended the festival, expressing interest in career development, including petrochemicals and gas chemistry. KazMunayGas Chairman Askhat Hassenov awarded Rizuan a Letter of Gratitude for his active role in the event.