Atyrau Oil and Gas University named after Safi Utebayev hosted a career fair for school students focused on the petrochemical industry. The event aims to provide students with detailed information about specialties in the field, guide them in choosing their future profession, and introduce them to the opportunities offered by educational institutions and major industrial companies.
Employees of KPI petrochemical complex participated in the fair, engaged in an open dialogue with students, and shared insights about the Company’s operations. The Company’s specialists explained the process of producing polypropylene from propane and showcased the final product.
– The majority of KPI workforce are young professionals. The Company places a strong emphasis on supporting promising young talent. The Company offers apprenticeship, dual training, and internship programs for students. “Today’s event demonstrated the strong interest school students have in our industry,” said Raimbek Kairguzin, Senior Polypropylene Production Operator.
At the fair, students gained comprehensive insights into careers in the petrochemical industry and had the opportunity to ask KPI specialists all their questions. The Company will continue to actively support young professionals and participate in career guidance initiatives.