One of the most important holidays in Kazakhstan is Victory Day. The memory of the Great Patriotic War cannot be erased, and the pain for the dead of our compatriots who have defended their homeland continues. In the post-Soviet space, there was no family where the war did not touch its black wing.
Several generations have grown up on books about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, guerrilla movements, military operations and battles, and feature and documentary films. In many families, the elders tell their children and grandchildren about the heroic past of fathers and mothers. And these stories pass from generation to generation, and therefore memory is alive, and we bow our heads before courage, courage and great love to the life of the defenders of the Fatherland. Many have done their deeds and have moved to Immortality at the cost of their lives.
KPI employees shared their stories about the relatives who protected the Motherland from the German-fascist invaders.